Own company website with React

Own company website with React

Website Optimaal is my own company. We are building website's, e-commerce websites and content for it. It's very important to reach my customers with my site. This site is build with Nuxtjs and Strapi as CMS. 

A fresh start

I started since the beginning of this yea my company. In october is changed the name from Hupjes to Website Optimaal. The old site was a wordpress website. Recently i started with building website in React en Nuxtjs. I see a lot of features that isn't possible in Wordpress. I diside to redesign and build a new website. 

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Summery of the project

Website Optimaal is a small company with a grow ambition. What important is that the customer can find us, and know what our concept is. The website is based on Nuxtjs and Strapi. That is easy to manage for us and him


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Let's get in touch

I am open for new work or a chat

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