Discover my work

  • Bouwbedrijf P van Brenk

    Bouwbedrijf P van Brenk

    Wordpress website

    Wordpress website

    Created a webdesign and developed this Wordpress website.

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  • LexWonen


    Hypotheek Calculator

    Hypotheek Calculator

    This is a calculator that can calculate your mortgage in the Netherlands. I developed that to use it in an iframe.

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  • Hogeschool Utrecht

    Hogeschool Utrecht

    Smart Mirror | Kappersproject

    Smart Mirror | Kappersproject

    bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla

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  • Website Optimaal

    Website Optimaal

    Own company website with React

    Own company website with React

    An React website with TailwindCSS for my webdevelopment company

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  • Hogeschool Utrecht

    Hogeschool Utrecht

    Portfolio website met CMS

    Portfolio website met CMS

    A way to promote myself with my work on the internet. That all with my own knowledge on a respnsive way.

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  • SolarPeak


    The solar forecast app

    The solar forecast app

    A pitched idea to use your self-generated solar energy through predictions we make in our app for your location.

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© Copyright 2023 | Jesper Hupkes

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